Olympus Sauna gerberstrasse 11 7000 Stuttgart 1980s, gay interest

The Olympus Sauna was a popular bathhouse for men opened in the 1980s located in Stuttgart Germany

This vintage t-shirt is of a long-ago era of gay business’s, gay culture that thrived in the European gay community. Gay Europe t-shirt series 1980s

This is a NOS T-Shirt (this is not a new reproduction) 100% cotton that is in new condition for it's age that was boxed and put away in 1986.

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I have been an owner of numerous gay sexual business's since 1969, one of them was the Bijou Theater and sex club that closed in 2015. I have been a manufacturer, producer, filmmaker, wholesaler, collector and reseller of gay porn, sexuality, erotica, all things adult since 1969. I set prices for collectible item's based on what I paid, quality, rarity, market value. I cater to collectors, those who give gifts, those who are looking for a specific man, item, article etc. Bijou's inventory is over 35,000 magazines plus thousands of brochures etc.

As a collector myself I dislike it when sellers misrepresent items their offering by making very general descriptions as Very Good, Excellent, Like New, New knowing that the items have creases, tears, rusted staples, very visible wear or just leaving defects out. I spend the time to give the best descriptions that accurately describe the items I'm selling so you can make an honest purchasing decision. 

Bijou business is keeping gay history alive in its many forms, Gay Porn DVD and VHS, 8mm film, Magazines, Gay Political Magazines and Newsletters, Mail-order-Brochures, Clothing, Note Cards, Books, Posters, Photo's, Poppers, Gay Newspapers, Calendars, Novelties, etc.

Shipping Charges For Multiple items 
For multiple items purchased combined shipping is always applied and a refund will be issued.