**Read before purchasing**

Pokemon Go items from Dream Store are authentic and guaranteed. 
My account name "AshKushumOG" and will be available within a few hours of purchase, if you are looking for multiple Pokemon please give me a heads up and I'll be ready!
Thanks for checking out our store, our pokemon cards category is being built and inventory is overloaded and in the sorting process. Lots of listings will be popping up there very soon.

This listing is for the pokemon you see in the picture for the mobile game by niantic, keep in mind that stats, ivs, cp, gender and year of capture might differ from the picture. also keep in mind stars/iv's change and at random when traded and I don't have control over that

If the pokemon is shiny or legendary make sure you indicate whether it is already registered as captured in your pokedex or not because stardust cost is so high that we might have to exchange gifts for 30 days first

If you have any other question or are looking for a particular pokemon just message me.