Backgammon - Philips CD-i - Boxed - PAL

The Backgammon CD-i contains everything you need to play backgammon: a game board, stones, dice, doubling cube, even enemies! Your CD-i player matches with you anytime you want to have a game. Choose your opponent from three opponents of different skill levels. Whether you are a beginner, calling yourself a master or standing somewhere in between, you will always find an equal opponent here. Backgammon is easy to learn. You do not know the rules exactly? The backgammon CD-i prevents illegal moves. You are undecided which is the best move? The backgammon CD-i gives you a hint. You want to take back a train? No problem with the Backgammon CD-i! Play with you friends – with the program as an impartial referee. Or try the two-dimensional game board, where your opponent is invisible but no less clever.