Betel leaves, hot pan, dried leaves, assorted sizes, fragrant Can be stored for a long time without worrying about mold
Betel leaves are commonly eaten with betel nuts and mortar as a snack. It is popular with people in many countries in Asia. Especially in the elderly who are popular to eat betel pieces Most betel eaten with betel is betel with dark green leaves than varieties with golden yellow leaves. It is also used in auspicious ceremonies as offerings. Making machine for the color to Kwan Which requires a betel nut as an offering
"Betel" is nutritious. Contains essential oils, including substances called Chavicol, eugenol, beta-sitosterol (? -sitosterol) and cineol, etc.
The properties of betel and how to use it The most useful part of betel is the leaves, which will provide the following properties.
Betel is an herb for hives. Itching treatment Betel leaves contain eugenols and chavicol Has an anesthetic effect and stimulates blood circulation.