We are offering two items pertaining to the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Headquarters Commandery, State of Massachusetts [Boston].

1.) Circular No. 4, Series 1877-78, dated September 24th, 1877.  The circular reads, "A Stated Meeting of this Commandery will be held at the Parker House, School Street, on Wednesday evening, October 3rd, proximo, at half-past Seven o'clock".  It has a steel-cut engraved vignette of a Civil War soldier and sailor, each with his hand resting on the American Shield, and an American Eagle standing on a globe behind them.  At the meeting a vote was to be taken of candidates for membership in the Legion.  The candidates' names are listed along with their occupation - first one named is First Lieutenant S. Alonzo Ranlett, Adjutant of the Thirty-Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - Insurance [business], Boston.  Other candidates were Bankers, Merchants, a Register of Deeds, etc.  Next is the acknowledgement of donations of documents to the Legion's Library and Museum that had been received from veterans including Military Maps from the War, two volumes of the Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion for 1861-1865, a one-volume Narrative of Lieut. G.E. Sabre (2nd Rhode Island Cavalry) of his experience of nineteen months as prisoner of war during the winter of 1864-1865.  The circular is by order of Brevet Brigadier General Alfred P. Rockwell, Senior Vice Commander, and is facsimile signed "Jas. B. Bell, Recorder, No. 12 Old State House.  **CONDITION** - Excellent

2.) Council of the Commandery statement dated February 25, 1884 - that the Commandery has received the "History of the Thirty Sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 1862-1865 as a Gift to the Library of the Commandery from Lieutenant S. Alonzo Ranlett for which Cordial Thanks are Tendered".  Signed (with an original signature) by the Recorder.  **CONDITION** - Excellent