Orgone Blanket - Three Layers - Dimensions 80 cm x 50 cm - Colour White

This blanket was made in Italy, according to the orgone technique, therefore on the same principle as Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulator (OR.AC. Orgone Accumulator).

Although it represents a less energy-intensive application, it’s undoubtedly of practical use.

Small enough in size (80 cm x 50 cm) to make it practical and manageable, it can be used anywhere and in a variety of situations in Life, allowing us to act locally, without having to enter an orgonic chamber, which is certainly a more complex and expensive solution.

The technique, developed by the Ukrainian doctor during the 1930s, is back in the limelight today, for the benefit of all, through the revival of its various applications, including the following device.

Inside, the blanket consists of a succession of layers of organic andmetallic materials that attract, concentrate and gradually release orgonic energy received from the surrounding environment. This “vital” energy is able to regenerate our body system.

Given its size, the blanket can also be used as auseful pillow for meditation practice. Its purpose will be to flood the primary axis of our body with life energy, which will give regeneration, balance and harmony.

When used during the night's rest, it helps to provide a deepand regenerating sleep.

The practical zip on one side of the blanket allows its pure cotton coverto be removed if washing is required.

DO NOT, under any circumstances, immerse the inner metal layers of the blanket in water, because this could impair its proper functioning.

It's always advisable to keep the orgonic device at a certain distance from Wi-Fi antennas and mobile phones (3 or 4 metres) because the level of electromagnetic pollution we are subjected to today is greater than at the time Reich devised his OR.AC.

The blanket can be an effective aid for the following ailments: