"My Best Bodyguard" is a thrilling action film that blends elements of drama and suspense. The story revolves around a young woman who finds herself in danger due to her family's involvement in a high-stakes business. She hires a bodyguard to protect her from the threats she faces, leading to unexpected twists and turns as they navigate through danger together.


  • Jacqueline Apithananon as Pimchanok
  • Aphichan Chaleumchainuwong as Mark
  • Santisuk Promsiri as General Rom

(Note: The cast list may not be exhaustive.)


  • Sirippakorn Wongchariyawat

Please note that the provided information is based on my knowledge up to January 2022, and there might be additional cast members or details not included here. "My Best Bodyguard" is a Thai film, and the cast and director information provided is based on the available data.