H.P. Lovecraft (1890 – 1937) was an American author of fantastic and macabre short novels and stories. He is regarded as one of the gothic masters of the 20th century. The Cthulhu myth goes back to the central creature in his short story “The Call of Cthulhu” from 1928.

It is a fictional universe ruled by ancient and powerful deities known as the “Great Old Ones”, who come from the depths of space. Cthulhu is the most famous of the Old Ones, waiting to rise from a sunken city at the bottom of the ocean and destroy mankind. Stephen King once said that H.P. Lovecraft paved his way into horror literature.

The coin comes in a case, along with the Certificate of Authenticity.

Limited mintage to 750 pcs.





Face value:

20 $






3 oz


45 mm


Antique Finish
High Relief

Maximum mintage:

750 pieces

Certificate (COA):




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