Stunning hand painted anatomical study on 24 inch by 26.5 inch "Crescent illustration board" . Exquisite detail and beautiful color. Signed by "M. Marin" or "Al Marin" 1960  , whom I hope received excellent marks! It's been difficult to come up with comparable pieces but I am going to price it according to the closest I have found. These are not from eBay as these items appear more at auction and are a niche, specialty market that appears to go into the thousands. That said I am confident of it's condition and desirability to the right collector. The illustration board has protected the integrity of the work very well. Only some crushed corners and slight stains and damage at the edges that are not visible when framing is done. This has been on my home library wall and accompanied me through my adult education and career. I will miss it but I'm happy to pass it on having preserved this amazing Anatomical Masterpiece for over 40 years. This illustration is huge and really dominates the wall. There's a reason my Kids and Grandkids don't want it 🤣 That said, One persons childhood trauma is another's inspiration! Please zoom in on the photos and I will answer any questions I can. I'm not a reseller, I don't accept returns and I know I am not the greatest photographer but this piece speaks for itself, ask my kids if you don't believe me, lol . Thanks for looking and I hope to find a new home for this amazing piece soon.