We are offering "The Circus Girl" Musical Comedy [1908-09 Season] Program for its performance at the Castle Square Theatre, Boston.  Performance by John Craig Stock Company.  (3 3/4" x 9 1/2"; 16 pages) Front cover has a nice lithograph of two sophisticated Art Nouveau ladies at the theatre, one holding opera glasses.  This program is for the week of February 8th, 1909, which was the seventh week of performances.  An announcement says that Friday, February 19th will end the eighth and last week of performances of the play and will be the Grand Celebration of the 100th performance.  Also, announced is the theatre's upcoming play "The Evangelist" by Henry Arthur Jones - "This play created a great stir in New York last winter on account of its daring subject".   

The program has great advertisements including: Reliable Furs by Meyer Jonasson & Co. - muffs and neckpieces made from Mink, Linx and Fox; fur lined coats; Pony Fur Coats, Sable Squirrel Coats, Marmot Coats and Hudson Seal Coats (with prices); Sparrow's Empress Chocolates; Tremont Turkish Baths; and Castle Square Hotel Dining Room - advertising their Matinee Lunches and Specials, and announcing that wages of all waiters had been increased by 80%, under a mutual agreement with them, the object being to eliminate all tips.  "Any waiter accepting a tip in this room will be immediately discharged.  The first patron who discovers, and can prove a violation of the above agreement, will be given five dollars by the Manager".