Broncolor Litos Lampheads X 2 - Senso 2400 A4 Power Pack, Case and Extension Cords

The Broncolor Litos Lamphead was created specifically for use with Broncolor Senso power packs.
Rated at 2,400W/s, the head easily handles the 1,200W/s A2 Senso and accommodates the 2,400W/s A4 pack as well. We are all used to cleanly-designed Broncolor products, but the Litos is really a form-follows-function thing of beauty. The ovoid head comes with its own unique reflector with 5500K protective glass which bayonets on in reverse for storage and transport, giving the appearance of a closed pod. It is compatible with most other metal reflectors in the Broncolor line.
Flash duration (230V) at t 0.1 / t 0.5 is 1/180 sec. / 1/600 sec. at full power with the Senso A2 and 1/90 sec. / 1/300 sec. at full power with the Senso A4

Senso 2400 Power Pack