I see tons of 32X systems here on EBAY.  Almost all say "Untested" meaning they won't work.  Thats how sellers get rid of their non working systems by pretending they didn't test them.
The ones that say working are missing the cables you need.

If you buy from me you will get a tested and working Sega 32X system with a 3rd party power cord.
I am also providing the link cable you need to connect it to your system.

In the photo is the link cable for a model 2 genesis (square shape) console.  I am providing that by default.
If you have a genesis 1 system (rectangle shape) console do not fear.  If you contact me immediately after purchasing I will send you the genesis 1 link cable that you need.  I ship very fast.  If you do not contact me immediately after purchasing you will automatically receive the genesis 2 cable.  

Systems have scratches in the plastic, they all do. See 2nd photo for an example of what you should expect.

Last note:
Once connected your 32x will now connect to your TV.  If you have a genesis 2 set up you can use your current AV or RF with this.
If you have a genesis 1 you wll now need a genesis 2 TV hookup.  If you need that I can provide that for $8 additional.