
Bronze medal, France.
Minted around 1929.
Small traces of oxidation and normal wear, small shocks.

Severeur: L Machard 1929.

Dimension : 61 mm by 44 mm.

: 95 g.
Metal : Bronze.

Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)
  : triangle + bronze.

Quick and neat delivery .

The support is not for sale.
The stand is not for sale.



The Academy of Arts, Sciences and Belles Lettres of Mâcon (Saône-et-Loire), known as the Mâcon Academy, is a learned society, founded
55_Med12 Bronze medal, France. Minted around 1929. Small traces of oxidation and normal wear, small shocks. Severeur: L Machard 1929. Dimension : 61 mm by 44 mm. Weight : 95 g. Metal : Bronze. Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : triangle + bronze. Quick and neat delivery . The support is not for sale. The stand is not for sale.   __ The Academy of Arts, Sciences and Belles Lettres of Mâcon (Saône-et-Loire), known as the Mâcon Academy, is a learned society, founded