***Some wear on cover, see pictures. ***

This classic VHS tape from 1990 stars Johnny Depp, Traci Lords, and Ricki Lake in the lead roles. Directed by John Waters, Cry-Baby is a comedy with elements of dark humor, romance, and teen drama that is sure to be a hit with fans of the genre. The movie is rated PG-13 and features English language and NTSC signal standard.

The storyline revolves around Cry-Baby himself, a young man from a gang of rebellious teens called the Drapes, who falls in love with a girl from the opposite side of the tracks, Allison Vernon-Williams. The two must navigate the challenges of their different backgrounds and societal expectations to be together. This VHS tape is a great addition to any movie lover's collection, and with its stellar cast and iconic director, it is sure to be a hit.