Fresh Bags and Boards for this collection.....

Select STAR TREK comic books by IDW -- choose from dropdown menu. Ready to ship. These issues are from someone's personal collection: always bagged and boarded. General grades are VeryFine or better. There are a few that turned out to be 9.8s ..... I've made note of those as they appear in the drop-down menu. I store and ship all my 9.8s in rigid toploaders so that they can retain their grade throughout storage and transition. (Note: 20+ years pre-grading and sorting -- high-grading collections for 9.8s specifically....)

Shipping is a $7.99 for the first comic book ordered and + .50 cents for each additional comic ordered.  If you order selections from many or various other listings from within my store, ask for an updated shipping total after you've gotten everything into your cart. 
International shoppers: ask for an updated shipping total regardless ..... shipping will be considerably less than the shipping-calculator typically figures for you.