Dog Secure Muzzle Allows Dog to Easily Breath Pant and Drink Comfortable Fit

Size 7

This secure Baskerville Anti-Poison Muzzle from Company of Animals offers a variety of benefits for your dog without restricting its everyday life. Breathing, panting, drinking and playing are easily possible whilst still offering sufficient protection to keep your pet safe. The Baskerville Anti-Poison Muzzle has additional protection from coming into contact with food remnants, other animals or various rubbish on walks. This helps to offer you peace of mind in every situation when out and about with your dog.
The lightweight, durable design with no metal pieces in your dog's eyeline makes this Baskerville Anti-Poison Muzzle stand out. It is available in a range of sizes and is perfect for dog owners looking for small, medium or large muzzles. The padded snout section ensures optimal wearer comfort and is also suitable for dogs with longer noses, such as greyhounds. A neck strap with plastic clips also helps to make the Baskerville Anti-Poison Muzzle easy to put on and allows you to fasten it behind the head.

Please note: wearing a muzzle should be a commonplace occurrence for your dog and should not be used as a punishment. Allow your dog to become accustomed to the muzzle slowly and cautiously.

Baskerville Anti-Poison Muzzle at a glance: 
Sizing table: 
SizeSnout lengthSnout circumference
How to measure: Measure from the tip to the base of the nose under the eyesMeasure at the widest point of the muzzle, which is normally under the eyes

Please note: The muzzle must allow your dog to open its mouth so that it can pant. It should have 1cm clear from the end of the dog's nose. The breeds mentioned in the table are only recommendations since each dog has a unique snout shape which might differ from other dogs of the same breed.

The Baskerville Anti-Poison Muzzle is malleable and can be moulded to suit the shape of your dog's snout. In order to mould the muzzle, place it in water at approx. 70-80°C for 4-5 minutes, and then shape the muzzle.

Don't expect your dog to immediately take to the muzzle. It might take a few weeks for your dog to get used to wearing it. In the beginning just put the muzzle on for a few seconds. Then gradually increase the time you let your dog wear it. If you try to rush this familiarisation phase your dog might reject the muzzle completely and never get used to wearing it.