Title: The Modern Grammar-School Reader (Illustrated)
Authors: H. I. Gourley and J. N. Hunt
Publisher: Taintor Brothers & Co., New York
Publication Year: 1882
Series: Modern Educational Series
Format: Hardcover (Leather spine)
Condition: Very Good (Leather spine shows wear, as seen in photographs)

"The Modern Grammar-School Reader" is an illustrated educational text compiled by H. I. Gourley and J. N. Hunt. Published by Taintor Brothers & Co. in New York in 1882 as part of the Modern Educational Series, this reader provides a comprehensive selection of literary works designed for grammar-school students.

Featuring a diverse range of prose and poetry, accompanied by illustrations, exercises, and annotations, this reader aims to develop students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and literary appreciation. With its engaging content and pedagogical approach, it serves as a valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Condition Details:
This hardcover edition of "The Modern Grammar-School Reader" is in very good condition, with the leather spine showing some wear, as depicted in the accompanying photographs. Despite the wear on the spine, the cover and binding remain well-preserved, and the pages are clean and free from markings or annotations. Overall, this copy is in excellent condition for its age and remains structurally sound.


Immerse students in the world of literature with "The Modern Grammar-School Reader." Whether you're a teacher, student, or collector of vintage educational texts, this reader offers a fascinating glimpse into nineteenth-century pedagogy and literary instruction.