I have no Spectrum anymore, and cannot test the tapes. This is primarily sold for collectors, so the slight possibility of the games failing to load does exist. I know they played fine about 35+ years ago!

A few comments on the condition of the contents:
- There are sticker remnants on the back of Winter Sports, and on the front of Spy Hunter.
- The tape cases of Dragon's Lair and Mask are broken. DL's is a plain case and can be replaced - I will do so myself if you want, as long as I manage to find one. Mask's case is perfect when closed but comes loose when opened - don't know how to describe this better, but maybe it makes more sense when you see the photo.
- Ace came with the ^%^%&! lenslok, which was the reason I didn't buy another original game for a long time after buying this. Apparently I've copied the cracked version on side B, as there's writing on side A saying so.
- For some reason the Dragon's Lair and Asterix tape cases had "teeth" that tore through the back covers....
- Since this was the 80s, peculiar things were wont to take place. As a result, the cover of Asterix says "C64"; World Games, Asterix, Mask came with manuals in Greek only (WG with C64's manual no less); Dragon's Lair and Moonlight Madness say "Instructions in Greek" on the cover, but came with no manual. All 3 of those are imports from the same import company, PIM Software, who apparently sucked, but, like I said, it was the 80s, no one gave a crap... (btw, the games themselves are all in English, thankfully games were not translated)