
Himalayan Salt, a vital source of sodium and chloride, is harvested from the heart of the pristine Himalayan Mountains. Free of pollution and additives, our pink salt includes only natural minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iodine, Iron, and many other elements that not only enhance the taste of your food, but improve your health. 

Change your salt Change your life!

Organic and Kosher

In a world where transparency and integrity are paramount, we take pride in being both organic and kosher certified. Our pink natural salt is a product of the earth in its purest form, free from artificial additives, chemicals, or preservatives. We adhere to strict organic standards, ensuring that our salt is not only better for you but also better for the planet. Additionally, our kosher certification reflects our commitment to meeting the highest quality and purity requirements, making our salt suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences.