Excellent condition and meticulously cared for:  Rides perfect.  Not an errant squeak, noise or rattle! 

Shimano Ultegra DI2
Supercaz Grips (new)
Swisstop Brake Pads

Superlight at 15.16lbs 

Sizes M/L (56cm)
Colors Matte Composite/Blue/Green
Frame Advanced-grade composite, Electronic ready
Fork Advanced-grade composite, Full-composite OverDrive 2 steerer
Handlebar Giant Contact SL, 31.8mm
Stem Giant Contact SL, OverDrive 2
Seatpost Giant Variant, Composite
Saddle Giant Contact SL forward, SST tubular rails (new and never used)
Shifters Shimano Ultegra
Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra DI2
Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra DI2
Brakes Shimano Ultegra
Brake Levers Shimano Ultegra
Cassette Shimano Ultegra 11x28, 11-speed
Chain KMC X11L Gold (new)
Crankset Shimano Ultegra, 36/52
Bottom Bracket Shimano, Press Fit
Rims Giant SLR 1 DBL WheelSystem; 30mm deep, 23mm wide, Tubeless compatible, Full composite
Hubs Giant SLR 1 DBL WheelSystem; Pawl driver, [F] 16h [R] 21h
Spokes Giant SLR 1 DBL WheelSystem; Aerolite bladed stainless
Tires Pirelli Zero 30mm
Extras RideSense

*Pedals and Water Bottle Cages not included