DC collectibles 6"
Batman the Animated Series figure

I love these figures because of the 6" scale and cartoon accuracy.

It's rare you get a toy line that dedicates itself to this type of reproduction from screen to plastic.

It seems like McFarlane got very confident,
thought he would make DC 7inch
and maybe they would dominate the market,
like a bigger toy truck... Not for me.
Not with large collections.

7 inch scale figures only work for me
when I have smaller displays
such as video game characters fighting.

When you're dealing with collections
that have a lot of figures you want to
display at once, ...6 inch is better.

I left McFarlane stuff alone,
Because the 1st Harlequin they released,
was almost the same height as Batman.
I don't need to explain how wrong that is.

With these DC collectibles
Batman animated series figures,
they actually paid attention to each characters height in relation to the other,
which is a big deal!

I love Marvel Legends and GI Joe classified
so it feels right to collect 6" DC figures.

DC animated material is some of the best out there,
it's great to have figures to celebrate that excellent 1990s Batman TV series!

It was the medicine we all needed in the 90's
when GI Joe and Transformers cartoons faded out.

It was a different kind of cartoon.
Had a different type of Animation,
different color saturation,
style, mood.
It was clearly made for smart people,
it had good plots for that short format
and the action was great.

Wonderful voice actors and so nice to be reunited with Luke Skywalker,
Mark Hamill as the Joker.

It was a beautiful gift to have this TV series last several seasons.

DC has released
several different toy lines,
different companies,
in several different scales.
This is one of my favorite.

See my other items
its my pleasure to ship anywhere in the world