The deck consists of these cards :

Sun Dragon Inti x2

Moon Dragon Quilla x2

Ancient Fairy Dragon x1

Ultimaya Tzolkin x1

Supay, Duskwalker x2

Supay x2

Fire Ant Ascator x2

Oracle of the Sun x2

Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries x2

Propa Gandake x2

Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua x2

Winged Kuriboh x2

Reverse Jar x2

Vampire's Curse x2

Don't Slip, the Dogs of War x2

Hidden Fangs of Revenge x2

Flourishing Frolic x2

Surprise Chain x2

Back to the Front x2

Synchro Transmission x2

Sales Pitch x2

Double Hooking x2