Print Title: 1906 3x Old Engineering Prints - Sea Water Pumping Plant for Portsmouth Dockyard

Size: The size of the image not including Margins is approx 19.5x13.5 inches

Notes: 1906 3x Antique Engineering Prints - Sea Water Pumping Plant for Portsmouth Dockyard. Constructed by Hathorn, Davey and Co of Leeds. A double sized plate with highly detailed schematic diagrams. A further two pages with additional diagrams, photographs an

Provenance: From The Engineering Journal. An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Published by Charles Robert Johnson 1906. A vast array of engineering topics are covered including Road And Rail Bridges, Trains and Locomotives, Submarines, Shipbuilding, Structural Engineering, Torpedo Launchers, Boats, Machines And Many More Engineering Works.

Authenticity: This is a guaranteed genuine antique print. We do not deal in facsimiles or reproductions of any kind.