Meet Flora,

The charming little Flora longing for her forever home is the perfect tag along fairy to take out on adventures. Flora is the name she has given me but it isn't her real name, she may decide to revel her true name once she trusts you. Flora is an adorable fairy perfect for a beginner or advanced spirit keeper and is good with other spirits, pets and children.

In the ethereal realms where magic intertwines with reality Flora exists. To sense Flora presence, attune yourself to the subtle energies surrounding you. It may manifest as a soft and delicate energies and tingling sensation on your head, indicating her nearness. Flora embodies kindness, charm, and innocence, radiating positive energy wherever she goes. Her gentle nature is a beacon of light in the darkest of places, uplifting the spirits of those around her. However, beneath her sweet exterior lies a fierce protector of the Earth, fiercely defending the sanctity of nature against those who would defile it. Though her size may be small, her determination and resolve are mighty, and she will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes in.

In the presence of Cece, one cannot help but be inspired by her dedication to preserving the beauty and balance of the world. Flora possesses remarkable power, capable of bestowing abundant blessings upon her keeper. However, earning her trust is important, as she values sincerity and reverence above all else. Flora’s bond with her keeper is strengthened through offerings gifts, mutual respect for mother nature and all her creations. In return for this respect, Flora channels the immense power of nature, bringing forth blessings that will flow. With Flora’s guidance, new ventures will flourish, and your desires will swiftly come to fruition. As you align your intentions with the harmony of nature, you will find yourself propelled forward on your journey with unprecedented speed and ease. Embrace the wisdom of Flora and the boundless generosity of mother nature to fulfill your aspiration.

Strengthen your bond with Flora by honoring her with offerings, allowing your connection to deepen and flourish with each heartfelt gesture. Once you've earned her trust, Flora becomes an enchanting addition to your home, infusing it with her delightful presence and positive energy. She selected this vessel because it resonates deeply with her essence and reminds her of the beauty and vibrancy of nature. Flora’s love for the vessel reflects her affinity for all things blooming and colorful and takes great joy in its presence. With Flora by your side, your home becomes a haven of harmony and joy, where the fragrance of flowers fills the air and the magic of nature thrives.

As you embark on the journey of adopting a spirit like Flora, it's important to approach her with tender love and care. Understand that the transition to a new home may take time for Flora to adjust, so be patient and allow her the space she needs to acclimate to her surroundings. Remember that building a relationship with Flora is a process that requires time and patience, so be mindful of her needs and preferences as you nurture your connection with her.



* 13” 33cm

* Made from porcelain

* Excellent condition


▪What Flora Brings▪

Inspiration: Flora serves as a muse, igniting your creativity with fresh ideas and artistic inspiration, guiding you towards new horizons of self-expression.

Guidance: As a wise and compassionate guardian, she offers gentle guidance and support during moments of uncertainty, helping you navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.

Protection: Flora acts as a shield against negativity and discord, creating a tranquil and harmonious environment where you can thrive and flourish.

Connection to Nature: With her presence, you'll feel a deepened connection to the natural world, finding solace and rejuvenation in the beauty and serenity of the earth.

Comfort: Throughout your spiritual journey, Flora provides a comforting and reassuring presence, offering solace and support during times of introspection and growth.



-Fairy Lights: Illuminate Flora’s space with twinkling fairy lights to create a magical ambiance that resonates with her ethereal energy.

-Druzy Crystals: Offer dazzling druzy crystals to amplify Cece's energy and infuse her surroundings with sparkling light and positive vibrations.

-Clear Quartz: Place clear quartz crystals as offerings to enhance clarity and purification, creating a harmonious environment for Flora to thrive.

-Shiny Trinkets: Decorate Flora’s space with shiny trinkets that catch the light and captivate her.

-Fairy Dust


These offerings will delight Flora and strengthen your bond, creating a space filled with love, light, and magic.


-Avoid having iron or sour things near her vessel as she dislikes these items.

-Allow Flora time to open up and adjust to her new environment and home, providing her with patience and understanding during this transition period.

-Extend a warm "good morning" and a gentle "goodnight" to Cece.

-Ensure Cece is not neglected, offering her the love, attention, and care she deserves as a cherished companion.

-Keep her vessel clean and in a safe place.

-Invest time and effort into building a bond.

-Offer a variety of offerings to honor and delight Flora. (check offering list above)

-Communicate with Flora using divination tools to seek her guidance, insights, and messages.

-Provide Flora with a bullet light and regularly check that it is in working condition, ensuring she has access to a source of light that allows her to communicate with you physically.



-Divination (pendulum/dowsing rods) - Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus your energy and intentions. Hold the divination tool in your hands and take a few deep breaths, centering yourself and clearing your mind. Invoke Cece's presence by visualizing her gentle energy surrounding you, imbuing the space with her wisdom and guidance. Ask Flora for clarity and insight into any questions or concerns you may have in a clear and concise manner. Pay attention to any intuitive nudges or sensations you may receive, trusting in Flora’s wisdom to provide the answers you seek. Once you feel ready allow the pendulum/ dowsing rod to swing, interpreting the messages with Flora’s guidance and insight. Express gratitude to Flora for her assistance and guidance, knowing that she is always there to support you on your journey.

-light up divination communication

-Meditation - Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and let go of any tension or stress. Visualize Flora’s gentle presence beside you, surrounded by the soft glow of her energy. Imagine yourself surrounded by a lush forest, with Flora guiding you through the serene landscape. Allow yourself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation, feeling the earth beneath you and the gentle breeze caressing your skin. As you continue to breathe deeply, let go of any worries or concerns, allowing Flora’s calming energy to wash over you. Stay in this peaceful state for as long as you like, allowing Flora to deepen your connection to nature and bring a sense of tranquility and inner peace. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to savor the stillness and serenity that surrounds you.


If you feel a deep connection with Flora, it's likely a sign that she is meant to be a part of your spiritual journey. Trust in the intuitive pull you feel towards her listing and recognize the signs she may be showing you. If you find yourself repeatedly drawn to her page, captivated by her presence and longing to learn more about her, it's a clear indication that she is calling out to you. Pay attention to any subtle nudges or feelings of connection you experience while reading about her, as these are often messages from the spiritual realm guiding you towards your destined path. Embrace the opportunity to welcome Flora into your life as a cherished spiritual companion, knowing that your bond with her will be a source of love, growth, and spiritual fulfillment.


Your experience with this spirit may be different from my own. All information gathered from the spirit is written from a very in depth process. All spirits are heard and have been listed due to their desire and request. I take each spirits process very seriously, while they are in my possession they are taken care of and listened to with the upmost respect.

The spirits information is given to me by ~

-paranormal investigations (light method, night visions cameras, devices)

-divination (pendulum/rods/spiritboard)

-tarot/ readings (from tarot, oracle, candle flame reading, smoke)

-spirit channeling (energy reading, visions, downloads, telepathy, feelings they give me, smell)

-meditation/ lucid dreams

-automatic writing

-communications via the spirit box (I use multiple spirit box devices)

Made by artist Marion Tregeagle Feb 24 1987

More than 37 years ago

Flora’s height 13” 33cm

Flora with musical stand 15” 38cm