Dedicated to the Eurasian lynx. The 30-kilometer exclusion zone and the zone of unconditional resettlement, in which the Chernobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve has been operating since April 26, 2016, have turned into a kind of reserve for breeding not only typical, but also rare Red Book representatives of the animal world.
Among such representatives, a species that is not so easy to meet in the wild is the lynx. In the past, the lynx was a common predator for Polissia. But as a result of the development of forests and the direct pursuit of it by man as early as the 19th century. lynx became a rare animal.
The Eurasian lynx is a species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, Appendix II of the Berne Convention on the Protection of Wild Flora and Fauna and Natural Habitats in Europe, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
The obverse of the coin features: small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine (above), inscriptions: UKRAINE (below the coat of arms); the denomination of the coin is 5/hryvnia (to the right of the coat of arms); in the center - the symbolic wheel of life, which marks the rebirth of nature: the stylized international sign "Radiation threat", wrapped in leaves, around which animals whose populations develop in the 30-kilometer exclusion zone, which has become a kind of breeding reserve, in particular, black storks, Przewalski's horses , lynx, bison, elk, brown bear; in a circle, on a mirror background, the inscriptions: CHORNOBYL RADIATION AND ECOLOGICAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE (left), CHORNOBYL RADIATION AND ECOLOGICAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE; minting year – 2023 (below); logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (above).
On the reverse of the coin, a lynx is depicted on a landscape background (pad printing was used), above which on the left, on a mirrored background, the inscriptions: РІС/ЕРАСИЙСКА/EURASIAN LYNX; above - lynx and bobcats.