This is from my own collection and is the bonnet plate from Juha Kankkunen's TTE Toyota Celica GT-4 from the 1989 Acropolic Rally. He was co-driven by Juha Pironen. There is still eveidence of the tape that held the plate to the bonnet which the sun has baked on. It is a little brittle on the edges and the small piece of the top has been fixed with clear tap where it has cracked. This really needs to be framed up with a photo of it and hung in a man cave / workshop / museum. Very rare plate and one I am reluctantly parting with as his do not come up that often. I have added a photo of the light across the number to show that it is the proper printed one and not a sticker. The genuine artical. This will be posted by special delivery (UK) so that it is insured and guarenteed.