
Best Price & Best Service

LSI 9300-16i SAS9300-16I 12Gbps SAS-3 PCIe x8 HBA IT Mode ZFS TrueNAS UNRAID US
Item Specifics
Brand :LSI
Compatible Port :PCI Express x1
Compatible Port/Slot :PCI
External Interfaces :SAS
Internal Interfaces :SAS
Model :9300-8I
MPN :Does Not Apply
Network Ports :SAS
Type :PCI-E Card


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Our delivery methods include speedPAK, DHL, UPS, USPS, etc. We will select the corresponding delivery method according to the buyer's country and the delivery location set by our link.


We support return with 30 days.Buyers need to bear the shipping fee. if you have any issues with the product or wanna return it. Please contact us within 30 days after receiving the goods.
All returned items should be in the original packaging , return tracking information should be provided ..

Contact Us

We work from Monday - Saturday 9:00AM - 6:00PM PM, but we will reply you once we get your message .There will be some delay on response if you send message or E-Mail on Sunday.

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