World War II Military Field Manuals USB Drive

18,810 pages of World War II military field manuals, archived on USB Drive.

Some of the material was not declassified until October, 2003. Among the 126 field manual titles are:

Army Air Force Field Manual: Tactics and Technique of Air Fighting

Army Air Force Field Manual: Tactics and Technique of Air Reconnaissance and Observation

Army Air Forces Filed Manual: Defense of Airdromes

Army Air Force Field Manual: Reference Data, Administration

Air Corps Field Manual: Reviews and Inspections

Army Air Forces Field Manual: Combat Orders

Quartermaster Field Manual: Quartermaster Service in Theater of Operaions

Quartermaster Truck Companies 

Quartermaster Field Manual: Quartermaster Operations 

Jungle Warfare

Command and Employment of Air Power

Field Service Regulations Operations

Field Service Regulations: Operations

Signal Operations in the Corps and Army

Signal Corps Field Manual: Aircraft Warning Service

Adjutant General's Field Manual: Army Postal Service

Armored Force Field Manual: Tactics and Technique

Armored Force Field Manual: Tank Gunnery

Armed Force Field Manual: Combat Practice Firing Armored Force Unit Combat Practice Firing 

Armored Units

Armored Force Field Manual: Employment of Armored Units Reconnaissance Platoon and Company

Armored Force Field Manual: Reconnaissance Battalion

Assault Gun Section and Platoon

Armored Force Field Manual: 81MM Mortar Squad and Platoon

Armored Force Field Manual: Tank Platoon

Armored Force Field Manual: The Armored Battalion, Light and Medium

Tank Battalion

Armored Force Field Manual: Armored Force Drill

Tank Destroyer Field Manual: Tank Destroyer Drill and Crew Drill

Tactical Employment of Tank Destroyer Platoon Self-Propelled

Tank Destroyer: Towed Gun Platoon

Tank Destroyer Reconnaissance Platoon

Tank Destroyer Pioneer Platoon

Tactical Employment Tank Destroyer Unit

Tank Destroyer Field Manual: Organization and Tactics of Tank Destroyer Units

Military Police in Towns and Cities

Domestic Disturbances

FM 19-5 (Military Police)

Cavalry Field Manual: Mechanized Elements

Cavalry Field Manual: Employment of Cavalry

Cavalry Field Manual: Cavalry Mechanized Reconnaissance Squadron

Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron Mechanized

Cavalry Drill Regulations, Horse

Crew Drill Light Armored Car M8

Cavalry Drill Regulations, Mechanized

Tents and Tent Pitching

Military Sanitation

Basic Field Manual: First Aid for Soldiers

Basic Field Manual: Physical Training

Basic Field Manual; Military Training  

Basic Field Manual; Infantry Drill Regulations

Basic Field Manual: U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1903

Basic Field Manual: U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30 M1917

Basic Field Manual: U.S. Carbine Caliber .30, M1

Basic Field Manual: Signal Communication

Basic Field Manual: Motor Transport

Basic Field Manual: Dog Team Transportation

Basic Field Manual: Military Law Domestic Disturbances

Basic Field Manual: Military Police

Basic Field Manual: Regulations for Correspondents Accompanying U. S. Army Forces in the Field

Regulations for Civilian Operations Analysts, Scientific Consultants, and Technical Observers Accompanying U. S. Army 

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of U.S. Government Aircraft

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of Soviet-Russian Aircraft

Basic Field Manual; Military Intelligence: Identification of German Aircraft

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of Japanese Aircraft

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of Italian Aircraft

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of British Armored Vehicles

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of Foreign Armored Vehicles, German, Japanese, Russian and Italian

Basic Field Manual: Military Intelligence: Identification of United States Naval Vessels

Basic Field Manual; Military Intelligence Identification of Japanese Naval Vessels

Basic Field Manual: Coast Defense

W.A.C. Field Manual: Physical Training

Coast Artillery Field Manual: Antiaircraft Artillery Gunnery

Coast Artillery Field Manual: Barrage Balloon Operation of Materiel and Employment of Personnel

Coast Artillery Field Manual: Seacoast Artillery Fire Control and Position Finding

Coast Artillery Examinations for Gunners

Coast Artillery: Firing Preparations, Safety Precautions, Care and Service of Materiel

Coast Artillery Field Manual: Service of the Piece Seacoast Artillery: 8-inch Gun

Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons

Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery Guns

Field Fortifications

Camouflage, Basic Principles

Corps of Engineers Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons

Corps of Engineers Camouflage of Vehicles

Corps of Engineers: Camouflage of Bivouacs, Command Posts, Supply Points, and Medical Installation

Corps of Engineers: Camouflage of Field Artillery

Water Transportation: Oceangoing Vessels

Field Artillery: Tactical Employment

Field Artillery Gunnery

Infantry Field Manual, Rifle Company, Rifle Regiment

Infantry Rifle Company, Infantry Regiment

Infantry Field Manual: Heavy Weapons Company, Rifle Regiment

Infantry Field Manual: Rifle Battalion

Communication in the Infantry Division

Infantry Field Manual: Headquarters Company, Intelligence, and Signal Communications, Rifle Regiment

Supply and Evacuation: The Infantry Regiment; Service Company and Medical Detachment

Antitank Company, Infantry Regiment and Antitank Platoon, Infantry Battalion

Infantry Field Manual: Antitank Company, Rifle Regiment

Cannon Company, Infantry Regiment

Infantry Field Manual: Rifle Regiment

Mountain Operations

Operations in Snow and Extreme Cold

Medical Field Manual, Medical Service of Field Units

Medical Field Manual: Transportation of the Sick and Wounded

Transportation of the Sick and Wounded

Medical Department: Bandaging and Splinting

Medical Field Manual: Reference Data

Ordnance Field Manual: Ordnance Field Maintenance

Ordnance Field Manual; Ordnance Ammunition Company, Ordnance Ammunition Battalion

Ordnance Field Manual: The Ordnance Company, Depot

Ordnance Field Manual: Ordnance Service in the Field

Ordnance Department: Ammunition Supply

The Armored Force: Employment of Armored Units; The Armored Division

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