• Animal & Plant Health Agency licence number is 07922

            This seed mix includes a variety of wildflower species, such as cornflowers, poppies, and marigolds, that will bloom from spring to fall. The mix has been carefully crafted to include plants that are both visually appealing and beneficial to pollinators.

            In addition to being great for the environment, this seed mix is also easy to use. Simply scatter the seeds on bare soil in the desired area, rake them in lightly, and water. With proper care and watering, you can expect to see beautiful wildflowers blooming in just a few weeks.

            Features: -100g WildFlower Seed Mix -Annual meadow plants that bloom from spring to fall -Attracts bees and butterflies -No grass required -Easy to plant and care for

            Package Includes: 1 x 100g WildFlower Seed Mix

            Thank you for considering our WildFlower Seed Mix. We hope it brings beauty and joy to your garden while also helping to support important pollinators.

            A selection of wild flower / wildflower seeds , Some  British native selected to attract Bees and Butterflies and help maintain and encourage the UK Bee population to thrive. Once your wild flower seeds have arrived using our extremely speedy, free postage you can sow them. The Wild Flower Seeds should be sown from late January until late October.  As there are hundreds/thousands of wild flower seeds in each pack, we are unable to guarantee the exact mix of seeds nor the ratio of seeds in each mix. What we can assure our customers is that we always aim to provide a good mix of wildflower seeds. 

            1.    Choose where you would like to grow your Wild Flowers 

            2.    Rake the surface of the ground to about 1cm depth

             3.    Shake the pack well to mix the wild flower seeds with the spreading compound 4.    Make sure that you don’t sprinkle the wild flower seeds too close together 5.    Sprinkle the seeds evenly and then immediately water 

            6.    Cover the seeds over to avoid them spoiling or being taken by birds and other wildlife

             7.    Continue to water, but only lightly - try not to over water and take into account weather conditions

             8.    Be patient , and after 4 to 8 weeks you will start to see the fruits of your labour 9.    Remember the colder it is the slower the germination process will be 

            10.Please remember to be patient as the first year might only produce the leaves necessary for the flower to grow 






                UK MAINLAND

            All orders posted to the UK are sent via Royal Mail free of charge.



