130- shot 84

Copper medal from the Paris Mint (cornucopia hallmark from 1880).
Minted in 1973.
Beautiful copy.

Engraver / Artist / Sculptor : Daniel October.

Dimensions : 50mm.
Weight : 68 g.
Metal : copper .
Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + copper + 1973.

Quick and neat delivery.

The stand is not for sale.
The support is not for sale

Onésiphore Pecqueur (1792-1852) was a French mechanical engineer, head of the workshops of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, passionate about mathematics and master watchmaker1. In 1825, he invented a rotary steam engine, which he perfected until 18402.

in 1827, he invented the mechanical differential allowing the speed of the wheels to be adapted when cornering, with the less loaded wheel turning faster1.

In 1829, he patented a steam carriage intended to travel on the road, containing "most of the components capable of making it a good self-propelled vehicle
Copper medal from the Paris Mint (cornucopia hallmark from 1880). Engraver / Artist / Sculptor : Daniel October. Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + copper + 1973. The stand is not for sale. The support is not for sale Onésiphore Pecqueur (1792-1852) was a French mechanical engineer, head of the workshops of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, passionate about mathematics and master watchmaker1. In 1825, he invented a rotary steam engine, which he perfected until 18402. in 1827, he invented the mechanical differential allowing the speed of the wheels to be adapted when cornering, with the less loaded wheel turning faster1. In 1829, he patented a steam carriage intended to travel on the road, containing "most of the components capable of making it a good self-p