In Luck & Love you roll dice in order to score different dice combinations found on score pads. Not only do you win points, but more importantly you also win fun and romantic dares. Sounds simple? It is! But Luck & Love has a lot more fun content than just dice and score pads. There are bonus tokens, bail cards, and special reward cards as well, and all pages in the score pads are different, making every game unique. Luck & Love is the perfect romantic gift, especially for newlyweds and couples looking to bring a new spark to their relationship.
Meet Yahtzee???s much more interesting cousin. A dice and card game for couples where you play to win fun and romantic dares for you and/or your partner to act out. The biggest game for couples ever made? Luck & Love contains a total of 666 different dares. Please note that Luck & Love is a game for two grown-up players of any gender that are in a romantic relationship.