WEE FOREST FOLK April Showers M180 Pink Raincoat Black Boots by A Petersen. AP INITIALS. New in Box. 1991

A Wee Forest FolkĀ® mouse begins as an original clay piece which is hand sculpted by one of three sculptors in the Petersen family. The finished sculpture is molded and hand cast at the "mouse factory" in Carlisle, MA. Carefully selected artists flawlessly paint each one by hand bringing to life a sweet little mouse personality. Wee Forest Folk began as a cottage industry in 1972 and it continues to this day.

This item came from the estate of a Wee Forest Folk/Wee Sea Folk Collector. It has never been displayed and has been stored in its original box. Figurine is New in Box. Only taken out to take pictures. MINT CONDITION.