Ready to clobber anybody who thinks he is less-than-fancy! (I really need to retire this gag...)


Bought 6 of these bad boys for an arm and a leg (about $90AUD each!!!) legitimately thinking I was going to use them. Now having to sell to pay off some unexpected medical bills.

This is a Dark Eldar Grotesque - I believe this did have a metal equivalent, about half the Dark Eldar Range had a metal version before the Finecast got dropped the same month.

Large expanses of skin, black panels, and multiple different weapons to practice various effects on, all makes this a wonderful miniature (I only have two in my own army!).

Hoping someone wants to relive a bit of Dark Eldar nostalgia with this bad boy (no idea if he currently has rules).

Any further questions, please feel free to let me know!