👑👑👑Jordan Addison, The First of His Name, King Of The Out Routes And The First Downs, Protector Of The Possession, The Teammate Of J.J. AND J.J., The Khal Of The Great Astro-Turf  Sea, The Untouched, The Mover Of Chains.⛓️

I'm just gonna quit while I'm ahead. It's only gonna go downhill from that Headline.

As always I thank you for your interest in one of my Slabs. This one is a Banger Fo Sho! Tune in tomorrow to see what Banger I throw up on here next.

Best Of luck,

Big ERN 


All purchases from The Sports Card Fam comes with the industry leading 23 hour dropoff window. Yes, you read that right. Each and every one of our High Quality Slabs will be dropped off at the post office within 23 hours of receiving payment. 

And as if that wasn't crazy enough, every slab that comes out of the Sports Card Fam World Headquarters is shipped in our Paradigm shattering Luxury Shipping program.

What is this "Luxury Shipping" you ask? Well allow me to explain. 

Each and every Slab is sent to your mailbox in a Stunning Navy Blue Bubbler Envelope. Not only is that Bubbler Envelope really sweet to see in your mailbox, but it is also very secure and 100% water and dirt proof. 

Our feedback comment section is littered with tales of the post office dropping our packages in mud and water and putting apology notes on them only to have our slabs emerge unblemished and as Pristine as the day we got them back from PSA.

And just to add yet another layer of protection, and make things even more fun we place each slab in a brand new slab bag sandwiched in two layers of Elite+ Freebies, and a hand written Thank You note from Big ERN himself (me)....

All of those added benefits come to you at no extra charge because we here at Sports Card Fam go above and beyond to make you buying experience as Luxurious and exciting as going to your Local Card Shop, if not even better cause sometimes the guy at the counter has really bad coffee breath, and he is also a close talker and you don't want to be rude so you just try not to inhale but then you have to overcompensate and you take a big breath in and then you get a big hit of his coffee breath. 

Thanks for reading all that. Yes I know it was a long disclaimer but you stuck it out like a champ! Good for you! That shows how bad you want this beautiful Slab, so what are you waiting for, hit that big Juicy "Buy It Now" button already. 

Have A Great One!