Cardfight Vanguard Clarrisa Deck with Extras

Deck listed Below: 

Ride Deck: 

1x - Dignified Will, Clarrisa (Holo Rare)
1x - Dignified Will, Clarrisa (Common)
1x - Serious Challenger, Clarrisa (Holo Rare)
1x - Serious Challenger, Clarrisa (Common)
1x - Accurate Interval, Clarrisa (Holo Rare)
1x - Accurate Interval, Clarrisa (Rare)
1x - Earnescorrect Leader, Clarrisa (Triple Rare)

Main Deck:
3x - Earnescorrect Leader, Clarrisa (Triple Rare)
4x- Aim to be the Strongest Idol! (Double Rare)
4x - Earnescorrect Member, Evelyn (Triple Rare)
4x -Earnescorrect Member, Katalyn (Rare)
4x - Vibrant Symphony (Common)
2x - Definite Growth, Rugena (Triple Rare)
4x -Earnescorrect 
Member, Leona (Double Rare)
4x - Determined Cheerfulness, Sarka (Rare)
4x - Earnescorrect Member, Trilby (Rare)
4x - Glutton, Nora (Common)
4x - Grinning Dragon Scale, Ilse (Common)
2x - Picturesque, Luana (Holo Rare)
1x - Glee Singing, Tetoel (Holo Rare)
4x - Sigh of Relief, Fabiola (Common)
1x - Fantastic Fur-nale, Catrina (Overtrigger Rare)

4x - Key to Intimacy, Cucca (Rare)
2x - Lovable Dress, Lija (Rare)
4x - Natural Chirp, Melria (Rare)
1x - Dreaming of an Encounter, Hester (Rare)
1x - Greatest Star, Esteranza (Overtrigger Rare)
1x - Mysterious Twins, Romia & Rumia (Overtrigger Rare)
1x - Spirtual King of Determination, Olbaria (Common)
4x - Friendship, Hilda (Common)
4x - Pouring Expectation, Ilta (Common)
4x - Active Life, Jerry (Common)
4x - Luminescence Fountain (Common)
4x - Loaded Sentiments, Evelina (Common)
3x - Haughty Missy, Arroel(Draw Triggers) (Common)
1x - Hearts Connect, Rufina (Front Trigger) (Common)