Jackson Snyder's collection of historical fiction essays and back stories about the life and times of the Messiah of Nazareth. This is a True Names Version volume written especially for those reclaiming their Jewish and Hebrew Roots. 
Episodes including: 
The backstories of the Holy Family and those of the First Nazarenes going back to the Exodus.
Nicodemus aka Nakdimon, just like the meaning of his name - "Ol' People Beater." He doesn't get away with it for long.
The "Jesus Family Tomb" - why we should consider this amazing archaeological find authentic.
The relationship of Jesus (Yahshua) and his older brother James (Ya'aqov) - growing up.
The Nazoreans - about the earliest followers and disciples of Yahshua.
The Shabbat in Nazareth - what the Holy Family did together and what they did not do.
Yahshua Jesus from 35 AD to 70 AD - he was alive all the time and in Jerusalem to see the destruction of the Temple.
Simon Zealotes aka Shimon Cleopas - the leader of the Nazarenes in the War of the Jews, 70 AD.
The true story of Yahshua and Ya'aqov (James) as adolescents in Jerusalem for the Feast.
The divisions of the world, and the stories of the Apostles in their assigned missions.
How the Jesus family and friends got their surnames, nicknames, code names, and pseudonyms.
The strange case of how Yehuda (Jude), Jesus' brother, who received the nickname Thaddeus from the Romans and Todah from the Disciples.
The history of the restoration of the prophetic word to Israel, AD 20, and the short life of Yochanan clled "The Dunker."  
Here's a short excerpt from the tale, "The Fifth Temptation of the Christ," the Devil take him from the desert to New York City.:
  • I thought I saw the devil take Yahshua the Messiah up through time to New York City on Easter Sunday morning sometime in the twenty-first century. They walked into The Cathedral of St. John the Divine Roman Catholic Church right in the middle of the Mass. The devil said, "You remember that young long-haired fellow you met at your baptism named Yochanan (John) bar Zavdi? Well, this beautiful place is named after him. Except they call him "Saint John the Divine" and this incredible place "The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine Episcopal Diocese of New York" now! Look at all the priceless treasures in this great temple. See that triptych behind the altar of sacrifice? Yahshua? That's a graven image of You!  And they call you by the name "Jesuschrist" and they worship you, saying you are their god. And they make your body out of a little lump of a hotdog bun then eat you with a drop of wine! So what scripture can you render me for this abomination?" Yahshua simple answered a question with a question. "What's a cathedral?"
More Historical Stories in the Book
  • John 1:19 "Gallant Fried"
  • Mark 3:13 "Nicknames, Surnames, Code Names"
  • Luke 2:49 "Pilgrimage to Jerusalem"
  • John 2:1 "This Fishy Wedding"
  • Luke 3:21 "The Lost Years"
  • And twelve more great, biblical stories.
Jackson Snyder is the editor of the Nazarene Acts of the Apostles, Volumes 1 - 3 and other translations and New Testament stories. He was formerly a pastoral minister in the United Methodist Church, having left there in 2005 for his first love, broadcast ministries over the Internet at Jackson Snyder Presents: Thinking Believers with his great love. his Filipina wife Trely, in Vero Beach, FL.  More books and stories at http://NazareneActs.com.