Who we are:

We are Rock of Israel Ministries

(A U.S. based Ministry to Jewish People)

Fairfield, OHIO

Since 1971

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We are a Messianic Jewish ministry – which means we believe that the Messiah has come and His name is Yeshua! (Jesus Hebrew name).

See article below for more information..... 


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Most people assume that Yeshua (Jesus) has nothing to do with being kosher,

but that's not true. Yeshua is the most Jewish of Jews: He was born in Israel

to Jewish parents from King David's royal family. He was circumcised on the

eighth day. He was a rabbi who did unparalleled miracles that brought great

blessing to the nation of Israel. He taught that He fulfilled, not set aside,

the Torah.


Even though He died 2000 years ago, Yeshua was raised from the dead; He

returned to life and overcame death! He is the Messiah of Israel and the

Savior of the world. He is the coming world ruler and mankind's only hope. He

is the only one who can make us kosher (clean, fit, proper) in God's sight

because He is completely kosher in the eyes of God. He alone is the one who

can enable both Jews and Gentiles to have a kosher relationship with God, and

with one another. Only Yeshua can give genuine peace and joy in this life, and

everlasting life in the world to come.




Yeshua is able to make us kosher because He fulfills the ancient Biblical

prophecies about the Messiah, and because He came back to life after He died.


The first line of evidence that Yeshua is the Messiah are the many prophecies

in the Tenach (Old Testament) that tell us about the Messiah, and Yeshua

fulfills them all:


            The Messiah had to be born in the city of Bethlehem. Yeshua was! (see Micah

5:2, Matthew 2:1-6, Luke 2:1-20)


            The Messiah had to come before 70 AD. Yeshua did! (see Daniel 9:24-27, Luke

1:5, 2:1-7)


            The Messiah had to be a descendant of King David's royal line. Yeshua was!

(see Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1)


            The Messiah was to triumphantly enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Yeshua did!

(see Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-9)


            The Messiah was to be condemned to death even though He was perfectly

innocent. Yeshua was! (see Isaiah 53:8, Matthew 27:1-2, Luke 23:1-25)


            The Messiah would die to make atonement for the sin of Israel and the world.

Yeshua did! (see Isaiah 53:5-6, 8, 10-12, Daniel 9:24-27, Zechariah 12:10)


            The Messiah would be rejected by the majority of the Jewish people. Yeshua

has been! (see Isaiah 53:1-3, Psalm 118:22, John 1:11, 12:37-43, Acts 4:1-12)


            The Messiah was to be raised from the dead. Yeshua was! (see Isaiah 53:12,

Psalm 16:10, Matthew 28:1-10, Acts 2:22-32)


            The Messiah would have an impact on all nations (see Isaiah 49:6). Yeshua

has become the most influential figure in the history of mankind. He is the

most famous Jew who ever lived: more famous than Abraham, more famous than

Moses or King David, more famous than Freud or Einstein. Because of Yeshua,

the Jewish Bible has become the religious and spiritual heritage of the whole

world. The love He has inspired, the comfort He has given, the good He has

engendered, the hope and joy He has kindled are unequalled in human history.

He truly has become the light of the world!


Only Yeshua has fulfilled these prophecies. No one else comes close. The

probability of one person fulfilling all these prophecies by mere chance is

infinitesimally small. There is only one rational conclusion: Yeshua is the

Jewish Messiah!





There is the evidence of the empty tomb. Both Jewish and Roman authorities

admitted that His tomb was empty (see Matthew 28:11-15). All that the

authorities (who were hostile to Yeshua) would have had to do to crush the

Messianic movement in its infancy, would have been to produce Yeshua's body.

They never did.


There is the evidence of transformed lives: Yeshua appeared to a wide variety

of Jewish people, under varying conditions, in varying numbers, under varying

circumstances. He appeared to Miriam (John 20:11-18), to some other women

(Matthew 28:8- 10), to Simon Peter (Luke 24:34), to two on the road to Emmaus

(Luke 24:13-35), to ten of the Apostles (Luke 24:36-43), to all eleven

Apostles eight days later (John 20:24-29), then to seven by the lake of

Galilee (John 21:1-23). Yeshua also appeared to five hundred people at once,

most of whom were alive and could verify the event when the New Testament was

written (1 Corinthians 15:6)! Yeshua appeared to His brother Ya'akov (James)

who became the leader of the Jerusalem Congregation (1 Corinthians 15:7), and

to rabbi Saul of Tarsus, who became better known as the Apostle Paul (Acts



Only Yeshua's resurrection could have transformed His disciples from a

frightened, dispirited group into a fearless band that changed the course of

world history within a generation. Only Yeshua's resurrection could have

transformed once skeptical family members like Ya'akov (James) into His most

ardent followers. Only Yeshua's resurrection could have transformed someone

like Saul of Tarsus, who went from being the most zealous opponent into the

greatest proponent of Yeshua that the world has ever seen.


Since the first century there have been millions of people who have claimed to

have encountered the resurrected Yeshua, including some of the greatest

thinkers, philosophers and scientists. What transformed these people? Only one

explanation makes sense - Yeshua's resurrection.





Yeshua's resurrection is the most important event in history. Yeshua's

resurrection proves that He is the Messiah, since God would never allow a

liar, deceiver, or false Messiah to be resurrected.


Yeshua's resurrection sets Him apart from every other religious figure. It

sets genuine Christianity and Messianic Judaism apart from all other religions

and ideologies. Confucius and Buddha are still in their tombs. Mohammed is

still in his grave. Marx and Lenin and Freud are dead and buried. Only Yeshua

has overcome death.


Yeshua's resurrection is God's seal of approval on who Yeshua is and

everything that Yeshua did. As a result, we ought to pay attention to

everything about Him and listen to every word He ever uttered. You can trust

Him and His statements more than any other human being's.


If we believe in Yeshua, we too can overcome death. Yeshua once said to a

Jewish woman named Martha: "I am the resurrection and the life; he who

believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes

in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26). Yeshua's

resurrection is meant to give us hope that we can overcome death.




No you won't! If you are Jewish, God made you a Jew and no one can ever change

that. Since Yeshua is the Messiah, then believing in Him is the most Jewish

thing that you could do. Faith in Yeshua is kosher, no matter what men may say

because truth is determined by God - not by a majority vote.