Product name: Nintendo Wii U Premium 32GB Console And Gamepad Set White JP Model(NTSC-J)

Including: Wii U console, Gamepad (Only the items shown in the photo are included.)

Condition: Good condition, working properly, cleaned.

Shipping: Will be shipped within 3 days.

About returns : Generally, we do not accept returns unless the product is defective.

Import tax : The product price does not include taxes and customs fees.

Taxes and duties are the responsibility of the purchaser.

The price cannot be confirmed here, so the buyer should check it out.

⇩Shipping policy ⇩(US)

Expedited shipping →10-15days

Standard shipping →14-20days

Economy shipping →60-80days

※If you choose Economy Shipping, it will be delivered by ship, so it will take some time to arrive.  Please understand.
