Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Leviathan Space Marines half | New on Sprue.

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Unit breakdown:

1 x Captain in Terminator Armour - A storied and stalwart warrior protected by a sacred suit of Tactical Dreadnought armour, this Captain is a resilient commander who excels at leading Terminator strike forces deep into enemy lines.

1 x Lieutenant in Phobos Armour - Wielding a combi-weapon and two combat blades, this Phobos-armoured Lieutenant can infiltrate ahead of the main Space Marine force, sowing discord among his enemies and disrupting their battle lines.

1 x Librarian in Terminator Armour - Librarians are the battle psykers of the Space Marines, smiting foes with bolts of witchfire and manipulating the empyrean to shield their allies. Encased in Terminator armour, he’s one of the most durable psykers available to Space Marine forces.

1 x Apothecary Biologis - Understanding your enemy, no matter how vile, is the key to defeating them. Thanks to his mighty Gravis armour, the Apothecary Biologis can advance through withering enemy fire to take samples of enemy biomatter with his vivispectrum, turning his foes’ biology against them.

1 x Ballistus Dreadnought - The Ballistus Dreadnought is a fearsome weapons platform armed with a versatile missile launcher and a devastating lascannon, the perfect counter to heavily armoured enemy monsters and tanks.

5 x Terminators - Terminators are the elite of the elite, veterans clad in hulking armour, wielding power fists, storm bolters, and devastating assault cannons. Beamed into the thick of the action with a teleport homer, few horrors in the galaxy can withstand their sledgehammer onslaught.

5 x Sternguard Veterans - Renowned for their unerring proficiency with bolt weapons, Sternguard Veterans are fearsome combatants drawn from their Chapter’s 1st Company and issued with special ammunition designed to combat the Tyranid threat.

10 x Infernus Marines - When you’re faced with innumerable hordes of xenos, an Infernus Squad is the perfect tool. Armed with Pyreblasters that spit gouts of incandescent flame, they purge their foes with fiery wrath.

This would be a great start to a new army, or a great addition to an existing one. 

Any questions, concerns please get in touch before committing to buying.