Contains more than 25 vitamins & minerals that are required for growth and development.Include nutrients such as Taurine, Choline and Omega 3 – 6 to support mental development.New Triple Protein Complex (milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate and soy protein isolate) provide a scientifically balanced blend of all essential amino acids to support growth and development.Advanced Blend of 3 Carbohydrates sources to promote maximum digestion and absorption for balance energy release.Unique Lipid Profile & Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) (with AA & DHA) to support nutrients absorption and mind development.Contains FOS, a non-digestible dietary fibre that is the preferred food of good bacteria.Contains probiotics with live cultures of Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophillus which are good bacteria.Contains 50% more calories to provide extra energy for growing children. (Calorie Density- 1 kcal per 1 ml)Lactose and gluten-free (not for children with galactosemia)Target group: Suitable for children ages 1 to 10 years old and especially for picky eaters who typically:Eats very little.Very active but eats littleAccepts only a few types of food.Highly selective in food intakeEats few fruits and vegetables.Refuses to try new foods.Disrupts or prolongs mealtimes.Poor appetite Get to pick your kid’s favorite flavour! Pediasure is available in 3 different flavours, click here: Chocolate, Plain & Vanilla. SKU69631

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