This game is very old and is really probably not in a playable condition and is probably best just bought for parts.

There has been some repair work using sellotape to the boot mechanism. The hand doesn't quite sit in place properly so we used a bit of tac to keep it in place. The original band broke so we used a doubled round elastic band. All of this allowed us to play the game last time we set it up and I would say in this condition, the trap worked about 50% of the time. The game is obviously older since we last played it and I am not sure how well it will all work now. Since we last played it, unfortunately the green ball has gone missing. If I find it, I will include it, but please assume it will arrive without the green ball.

The box is very tatty and has split in all four corners. There are some visible signs of use to the board, however, no actual physical damage to it.