This particular acetate book  was to commemorate my fathers passing "Zeke Owens"

4LBS. OF PURE BLISS! Heavy printed 80lb. paper, spiral bound, plastic. Protective cover with black plastic backing. Very nice for the shop table or just a collectors item.

44 pages and 650 acetates. Feel free to use these on your clients.

My father Zeke Owens and his good friend put this book together to share his love of tattoo flash that changed the world of tattooing forever. Known for tattooing more service men and women than any 1 person in the world.  Pops could never sit still, traveling tens of thousands of miles, collecting stories, and tattooing in shops teaching and tattooing all around the world. Opening shops in Guam, Philippines, Hawaii, and the USA, that list goes on and on. Working with the best, Ed Hardy, Sailor Bill, and Mike Malone. He worked with some of the greatest artists in his time. This book shows tattoo progressing from the late 50s to the early 20th century.  It's back for you and could be yours. Owning this masterpiece gives you the right to use it in the shop for your clients. 100%feedback so. I'd. With confidence. Tha