Oct 21 1868 Savannah Friend John C I was greatly disappointed at not bring enabled to see you Mrs. Maker this summer, but the fact was, that I was having such a good time at the different (business) watriony? places, that I somewhat neglected, or rather it took so much of my time, that I had none to spare to visit Boston as I anticipated. Ivers returned a few days ago, and from him, I learned that you were all well? , that you was anticipating soon to get again into "harness" which I was glad to hear and trust it may prone a non satisfactory one to you, than your last. You are real not to have sent a word or letter to me, one that has so much spare time certainly could devote a portion in writing a few lines to an old friend, but perhaps you are so disgusted with everything and everybody in Savannah that you have decided to give up your old friends! Business here has been til now pretty good about the same as last year cash or city acceptance is a more general rule now than last year. I understand the Dry Goods Dealers say this season is for ahead of last year, in acts of sales, but as a general thing, they have given pretty long time, 4 months and in some instances 6, so I understand. Your old firm R. D.& Co. Ivers says has done twice the retail trade of last year, but the wholesale they dont try for, unless Parties have the cash. As to your old acquaintances here, they are about the same as of your stuets? About the same if anything he imitates Benny Ferrell, a little more than usual! He goes pretty regularly up to see Dr. King! Mac Comber is on north, I understand for a wife! As I haven't seen him, since my return can't tell if he has recovered since his 4th July disaster! In his absence Josepham? And wife are here, she came, I preserve for the purpose of introducing the Greciou Bend, which she has done in all its perfection! Col. Brown brought down a wife with him and of course are so happy as can be. Wells is fatter than ever and presume has got rid of his little difficulty as he don't complain of it anymore. Harding I have been out few times? He seems to be contended with himself at all events. The Bernard's are well and now both have wives, must have a full house or will lone perhaps. As to your humble servant, the only difference noticed, is an absence of the red face and disappearance of those bags under the eyes, caused I presume by almost total abstinence of exhilarating drinks! Fine my very best regards to Mrs. Maker, and to the boy a number of kisses. I find this sheet for paper is not quite long enough to write all I wanted, but I will give you more after I hear from you. Your friend James W. Randall

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