Naga bracelet Bangle with Golden Rutilated Quartz

Stunning Naga dragon bracelet

Naga Dragon Bracelet Rutile Quartz Gemstone


Legend of the Naga

         The Naga or Phaya Naga is characterized by being a large snake with a crest. symbol of greatness Abundance, fortune and nāga also symbolize the rainbow stairway to the universe. Naga is the god of water. In some places it is said that he is the god of the sky. The legend of the Naga belief is very old. It seems to be older than Buddhism as well.

         From the investigation it was found that the Naga legend originated in South India. Because the terrain in South India is forested and mountainous, there are many snakes in abundance. And because the physical characteristic of snakes is that they are highly venomous, snakes are animals that humans respect and consider to be powerful. South Indians therefore regard the snake as a divine creature in mythology and folklore. Some say they are animals in the Himmapan forest. There is a widespread belief in the Naga in various regions throughout Asia. Called by different names

         Therefore, the origin of the belief in the Naga is probably in India. Because there are many stories telling stories about Nagas. Especially in the Mahabharata epic. which is considered the enemy of Garuda In the legendary history of Buddhism He also told the 

story of the Naga many times.
 However, in Southeast Asia there are still widespread legends about the Naga. Villagers in this region often believe that the Naga lives in the Mekong River. or underground city And it is believed that people have once found Naga marks on the end of Buddhist Lent, which look similar to the marks of a large snake. And when you go swimming in the Mekong River, you should raise your hands to pay respects to the sacred things.

         The appearance of the Naga according to beliefs in each region varies, but the basic principle is that the Naga has the appearance of a large snake with a golden crest and red eyes. Fish-like scales come in many colors that vary according to their prestige. Some are green, some are black, or some have 7 colors, and the most important thing is Ordinary Naga families have only one head. But the higher families have three heads, five heads, seven heads, and nine heads. These types of Nagas are descended from Phraya Set Nagaraj (Ananta Nagaraj), who was on the throne of Lord Vishnu Narayana Paramanad at the Retirement of the Ocean. Ananta Nagaraj is said to have a gigantic body with an infinite length and a thousand heads. The Naga has both born in water and on land Born from the womb and from the egg It has the power to create good and bad things. Nagas often transform into beautiful human beings.