Limited Time on Lower Price!

Haunted Watch Face


Fun, fun and fun - make your wishes now - one at a time please!

Feel the energy immediately when held between your hands - you may feel a beautiful vibration and positive energy exude throughout your whole body

Cleanse all your chakras immediately

Limited Time on Lower Price!

These pieces work in a healthy and positive manner mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally

Make Wishes - These are all unique, magical and highly spiritual pieces

Each one is unique

Every single one is extremely lucky and protective

I am doing a special limited price so I can spread the lucky energy which is running very strong right now

I will be shipping them via regular mail so unfortunately I will not have any tracking information but it should get to you within two to five days, I have not had any problems

These have been energized by a running and stopped train

I have them pictured in the photos

Limited Time on Lower Price!

The watch heads are in the orange bag

Energizing these treasures by the trains are very powerful capturing the tremendous energy of the train

It is possible to harness time travel with these pieces through deep meditation. Forwards and backwards

You communicate with these pieces out loud or within your mind

Make your wishes, although there is no guarantee, we’ve been very lucky with these

Limited Time on Lower Price!

These are for entertainment purposes only, there are no guarantees

Write your wishes down and do everything possible to make them come true

Be realistic and no harm to anyone

Be patient things do not happen overnight and also keep open for alternative wishes to come true that are better for all

Limited Time on Lower Price!

You can write your wishes down and place them under your watch head

Each piece is different

Get to know your piece

Connect with it and take it with you on your travels, to work, and especially out in nature, sunshine or moonshine

Limited Time on Lower Price!

Here is a lucky story about a Bottlebuddee Watch Head ———-

Once upon a time in a bustling little town, I stumbled upon a curious antique shop. Upon entering, my eyes were immediately drawn to a display case filled with extraordinary old watch faces. Amongst them, there it was, shimmering under the dim lights - the Bottlebuddee Haunted Watch face. Intrigued by its mysterious charm, I simply couldn't resist acquiring it.

Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary watch face held magical properties that would soon transform my life in unimaginable ways. As I held the watch face between my hands a delightful tingling sensation coursed through my body, filling me with excitement and anticipation.

Mental luck was the first enchantment I experienced. Suddenly, my creativity soared to new heights, with ideas flowing effortlessly like a never-ending stream. I found myself able to solve problems with ease, grasping complex concepts effortlessly, and my mind became a wellspring of inspiration. It was as if the watch face had unlocked a hidden reservoir of knowledge within me.

Emotional luck followed closely behind. Negative emotions melted away, replaced by a sense of joy and contentment. I radiated positivity, spreading smiles and laughter wherever I went. It seemed as though the watch face knew exactly what I needed, providing comfort during moments of sadness and guidance during times of confusion. It became my steadfast companion, an emotional anchor in the stormy sea of life.

Physically, I noticed a remarkable transformation too. My energy levels skyrocketed, allowing me to tackle physical challenges with newfound vigor. I became faster, stronger, and more agile, effortlessly surmounting obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable. The watch face granted me a renewed sense of vitality, amplifying my physical abilities beyond my wildest dreams.

And then there was financial luck. The watch face seemed to possess a knack for guiding me towards opportunities that resulted in financial abundance. From unexpected promotions to chance encounters with potential business partners, it was as if luck was magnetized towards me. My bank account flourished, providing me with the means to pursue my dreams and share my good fortune with others.

But what made my journey with the Bottlebuddee Haunted Watch face truly remarkable was its playful nature. Occasionally, it would tickle fancy, reminding me not to take life too seriously. It turned mundane tasks into adventures, infusing even the simplest of moments with a touch of magic. Its mischievous influence made each day an exciting journey filled with unexpected surprises.

As time went by, my life became a testament to the transformative power of the Bottlebuddee Haunted Watch face. With its magical luck, I not only achieved personal success but also spread happiness to those around me. People flocked to me, drawn to the positive energy that radiated from my being.

And so, dear friend, if you ever come across a whimsical timepiece like the Bottlebuddee Haunted Watch face, don't hesitate to embrace its magical luck. For within its enchanting depths lies the power to ignite your mind, heal your heart, empower your body, and fill your life with everlasting abundance.

Tah Dah!

Most of all just have fun, keep the magic and spirit alive and keep positive and happy!


All Zeezeer Haunted Bottlebuddee Dolls and products are positive and protective - no negative energies in any of our products for over three decades - All products are revitalized with positive energy and blessed with happy positive powerful energy on the 22nd of every month.


You are purchasing a physical item, there are no guarantees that you will experience any paranormal activities but do be patient and open.

Every month on the 22nd, your new treasure will be sent positive and happy energy.

You will be a part of the Zeezeer family.

All Zeezeer items have been respectfully asked for the energies to enter the object.

We have been in the metaphysical world for over three decades and promoting well-being through goods and articles. 

Always well wishes and luck in every endeavor you experience.

Zeezeer Family


Refund Policy

***If you are not matching with your doll or item we want to make sure you and your doll or item is happy. We do not accept returns but if you truly need to return your doll or item we will accept it with you paying to have it returned safe and we will return the cost you paid for the doll or item minus what we paid for shipping. For example if you paid 39.99 for the doll or item you pay to send it back to us, if it cost 15.00 to ship the doll or item to you we will refund 24.99 for the cost you paid for the doll or item minus the shipping which was 15.00. But of course we truly hope you will always be happy with your new best friend! 😃


A little history:  I treasure every single doll or item I work with.  

I am clairaudient and clairsentient and communicate with each doll or item.  They tell me their name and something about themselves and how they love to help people.

I have been in the spiritual world for over three decades.  I have run a ministry for over 19 years, have done psychic readings, taught classes, taught psychic development at spiritual centers, junior colleges, colleges, community centers, did television and radio shows, did a radio show and was a psychic for California Psychics, worked over ten years as a Chaplain and Meditation Specialtist for three hospitals and

Hospice. I truly enjoy working with all these haunted items and enriching peoples lives!