Over 150 superb black-and-white photographs with in-depth captions supplement an extremely rich narrative which reviews not only the black-figure, red-figure and white-ground pottery of the Classical period, but also includes, in a broad and unprejudiced survey, the earlier wares of the eastern Mediterranean region.  

GREEK POTTERY by Arthur Lane, Faber and Faber, London, 1948 / 1971.  

This comprehensive study covers by chapter:  How Greek Pots Were Made and Painted; Use, Shapes, and Ornament; Historical Outline; Notes on the Illustrations; Short Bibliography; Index; and Plates.  Connoiseur states that this rare book is “The most valuable introduction to the subject we have come across.  It is well planned, comprehensive, and lucid in exposition.  Moreover, thought even more concerned with the aesthetic side, he tells us something new about the fabrication of Greek pots, and has gathered up fresh information for us that has been acquired only within the last six years…His choice of subjects for illustration, to which he has supplied most informing notes, cannot be too highly commended, and the quality of the half-tone reproductions is all that can be desired.  In addition there are four excellent color-plates.”   This book is an invaluable resource reference work.

6.3” x 10” hardback with dust cover in very good condition.  158 pages.

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