Quantity: 200 Seeds


Pineapple Weed, aka Matricaria Discoidea, is a member of the Daisy family, Asteraceae. It originates in Northeast Asia, and grows as an annual. The flowers from this plant make an excellent tea that tastes much like pineapple. The tea has medicinal properties and offers sedative, calming, and digestive aiding properties. It is also used as a vermifuge as it kills intestinal worms.


This plant thrives in many environments, but prefers to have good sunshine and a decent amount of moisture in the soil. It doesn't grow well in the shade, so partial to full sun is recommended for the healthiest plants. The flowers are a great source of nectar so they attract bees and other pollinators alike. Because of this, planting Pineapple Weed anywhere near the garden will increase pollination of crops and other plants in the area.


All seeds are organic and open pollinated.


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