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This book is NOW Available on CD

This Book is NOW available on

CD in PDF FILES for $15.00






The 85 color pages

are still all color.

I have left the book

description and pictures

intact so you can

see them and read

the ad-do no be confused

as this is the CD LISTING

for $15.00 Reduced not

 the book listing for

$40.00 Reduced.

Beginning to End Vintage

American POCKET Watches,

Dials, & Cases.

Identification & Price Guide

1830-2009  Roy Ehrhardt-

William Meggers



8 1/2 x 11 inches or

215 x 275 mm - 2 lbs

Full Color 85 pages

total of 469 Pages 469

pages Total with 90 pages

with 339 watches in

FULL COLOR-in addition

including 245 movement

and dial pictures of the

most sought Railroad &

American Movements

and Specialty Dials known.

Read This Carefully:

This is for those of you

who do not know-BUT

DO KNOW- there is

information about watches

they do not know that

they do not know and

know they are missing

and giving away valuable

watches with no knowledge

of it at all!- AND- Are

willing to pay for knowledge

rather than using the old

saying of Roy. The only

substitute for knowledge

is money! Think about it.

Money does not equal

knowledge, but it seems

like it to those using it

as their Guide.

The book costs $40.00-

FOR A REASON and the CD 

is the book on a read 

advance PDF file Adobe .

This is the culmination

of knowledge of

the life of Roy Ehrhardt 

and William Meggers.

This book has 93 color

pages of remarkable

watches with more

remarkable prices

realized in the New York

 Watch Auction of the

Century of American

Watches. The updates

were done by Roy, Larry,

and Bill just before Bill's

death. Collectors and

Dealers need this book

for variations are shown

that were first shown in

the 1970's Price

Indicators of Roy Ehrhardt,

along with many new

dial and movement

variations. More variations

appear monthly as old

watches are still out there

being inherited, sold and

found in pawn shop safes,

 and watchmakers

drawers. Collectors who

have long standing

experience know that

one piece of knowledge

in each book will pay

for the price of that book

and more. IF ATTENTION

is paid to the information

contained THEREIN and

it does not become a

coffee table collector

edition. This is not for

coffee table watch

collecting but for Avid

Rabid Watch fantics

seeking the fun of the

hunt and needing the

tools of the trade

of the Knowledgeable 

Elite Dealer. Roy

Ehrhardt's Books are

proven reliable information

and all us early dealers

have everything he ever

wrote in books and know

it is money in the bank

& jewels in our collections.

You can be an average

collector or dealer

and still as the old saying




received calls where

my answer was- you

do not have that watch

they only made 25-

and the reply was

come and see it for

yourself it just came in

the front door and cost

$150.00, a 23 jewel

Sangamo Special Hunter.

Other similar watches are

waiting and being

bought, you might as well

own the rare watches

that pass through your

hands or at least receive

the right money for them.

I have been told to-

-Dumb Down--

This Introduction and

this book would sell

better for it is above the

watch traders level of



this book is to raise the

level of understanding

of the watches that

are weekly passing

through your hands from

pawn shops, gold

buyouts, and collections

breaking up due to

the desperate economy

we are now all in.

If I dumb this introduction

down you will still be

dumb. This book can fix

dumb, it can train you

to detail and critical

examination but willful

ignorance cannot be fixed.

If you choose not to

know more than you

presently know when

opportunity is presented

the level of collecting

you are at will remain

the same. Ignorance

does not mean lack of

all knowledge but

lack of knowledge

you are unaware of

that others are aware of.

This book is the culmination

of wisdom and research

information of the

life of Roy Ehrhardt,

Col. George Townsend,

and Bill Meggers along

with the list of contributors

and the unlisted thousands

that took serial numbers

and movement variations

for Roy and Bill and

all of us at the start

of Col. Townsend's

publishing career who

 recorded serial numbers

 for him. George and

 Roy have a large record

 of correspondence over

 the years as he was a

large contributor to Roy's

 work in later years.



and Comprehension of

features of what you are

looking at that is Unique

or Special sets apart the

 watch trader from the

knowledgeable dealer

or collector.  Dial


Dials and RR Inspector

names make a remarkable

difference in price

to a low jeweled or

gold-filled watch. A

Railroad grade watch

can be boosted in price

as much as 10 times or

more. Jeweler Names

and Personalized

Special order customer

names are the sleeper

of the present and future

according to Larry Ehrhardt.

Many dealers have made

a good side living buying

and selling these

personalized name watches

for years. The value of

this book is to use this

book as a Study Guide.

To benefit from it you

must have the desire to

Focus your Attention to

the Critical Variations of

movement models that

make the Dramatic

Difference in prices from

one to the same one with

the gold flashing or

special dial or special

RR Inspector name or

other feature that is

a special order or short

factory run, or a- ONE OFF-

for a special reason.

Workmen took home with

and without permission

movements and when

companies were in hard

times or closing paid

salaries in movements

and workmen finished

these at home or

sometimes on company

premises. Factory hand

finished movements are

more valuable than most

home finished movements

by workmen, but

exceptions exist where

the home finished

movement is superior to

the finish of a company

production. Patent Models

are also found using factory

movements finished by

a workman to show his

patent- regulators-are

one common example-

but 8 day or special

escapement models also

show up and special

dial train features.

The Most Comprehensive

Identification &Price Guide

Ever Written Combined

as A Memorial Edition

with IN COLOR the Most

Important Auction of

339 American Vintage

 Watches this Century,

 including 14 pages with

 245 pictures of the most

sought American &

Railroad Movements

& Specialty Dials Known.

4 pages of Dial Foot

Positions to Identify ALL

American Dials, Including

American Movement

Weights in Pennyweights.

922 EA drawings on

82 pages to identify ALL

American Watch

Movements with or

without  identifying

writing on the plates.

Serial Numbers &

Grades with Production

Dates for Ball-Hamilton-

Rockford in 30 pages.

3 pages Watch Company

 Production Dates.

203 pages of over 11,000

 Alphabetical listings

 of ALL known American

 Watches with over 1,100

 RR Inspectors and

Private Label Names


This book Identifies

every one of the 100

 million jeweled and

300 million unjeweled

American-Made POCKET

WATCHES dating from

1830-2000. This is the

Foundational Definitive

Work of American Pocket

Watches. A Reference

 Work Referred to the

WORLD over by Auction

 Houses, Pawn Shops,

Coin Shops, Antique 

Dealers, Appraisers,


 to separate the Cheap

from the Rare, Cheap

watches are not cheap

they never raise in value

over time, they STEAL

your Money, junk returns

to junk after the trend is

 over Quality is Quality

 forever and MINT is

 MONEY. The Only

Substitute for


Information makes the

Knowledge, Knowledge

creates confidence in

investing and confidence

in buying creates a market

according to how deep

the pockets of the buyers


Knowledge creates a

Supermarket or a Trend

resulting in a collecting

field, The End Result is

dedicated collectors of

the scarce and finer

examples. There are

always buyers of the

cheap watches but we

are talking about


not accumulation of

quantity. DISCRETION



Beginners become experts

through proper resource

materials. The Hstory of

this Book: This book was

first released and 1987

 and updated in 1994 and

 1998 and 1999 and 

released in small editions

and again updated in

 2000 by Roy Ehrhardt

and Bill Meggers, Put

into full 8 1/2x 11 format

for study use, and revised

and corrected until 2002

when Bill Meggers passed

away, Larry Ehrhardt

updated the prices and

Roy finished the proof

copy corrections in 2003

and due to health and

2 hurricanes passing

directly through Umatilla,

Florida and seriously

damaging the building

 this book was never

 released and printed. 

Roy died in 2004. I have

combined this book with

2 others making a

Memorial Edition.

The most Complete Book

of the most Important

Information on American

Pocket Watches


This is the Collector's

Collector Book and the

Pawnbrokers Dream the

Rare Stuff with the prices

 without all the trash.

This book should sell

Thousands of copies

and upon widespread

distribution prices will

skyrocket on Mint Perfect,

Multicolored Dials,

Gold-Filled Mint Cases,

Railroad Cases for Special

Models. Private Label

Names and Railroad

Inspector's Names.Gold

Unique Multicolor


in All Sizes with

Interesting Mint Multicolor

 Dials. The prices now

in this book for auction

 results will be dealer

wholesale prices and

Are Now on many of the

 watches listed.



On Consideration of

the Cost of 90 pages of

Color Printing with

8 1/2 x 11 Format

for Easy Reading and

Notations---No Better

Value is available in

the Pocket Watch

Price Guide Field.






