Build your own Silicon Fuzz Face Pedal

Includes pair of NOS BC108 or BC109 transistors


Build Your Own Silicon Fuzz Face!

See picture of finished kit below.

We offer this kit in response to numerous emails urging us to offer a "classic" pedal in kit form for intermediate builders. It doesn't get much more classic than a Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face. The silicon version avoids many of the problems associated with germanium transistors.

This kit is intended for those who have already completed our beginners kit, or those who have some experience building on stripboard and making a finished pedal. This kit includes instructions in digital format, but they aren't as detailed as the instructions for the beginner kit. The pedal is a part for part copy of the classic Dallas Arbiter Silicon Fuzz face using NOS BC109 or BC108 metal can transistors (included, your choice). And yes, Jimi Hendrix did use a Silicon Fuzz Face with BC108's or 109's during the Band of Gypsys era. With this kit, you have the option of adding an LED (or leaving it out if you don't need it). Everything you need is included:

Instructions and veroboard parts layout

1590BB sized box


Chickenhead knobs


All resistors, capacitors, transistors needed

Stereo input jack

Mono output jack

9V snap

Transistor sockets

True bypass foot switch (3PDT)

LED and bezel

Insulated wire

You supply the solder, soldering iron and whatever paint and decals you need to customize your pedal.

Here is a link to a short soundclip of the completed pedal:

Shipping is by Priority Mail or Priority Mail International if you are outside the USA.

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