Selecting The correct plug for any car is often overlooked 
Often a great deal of time any money is spent on setting your car up and no regard is given to to selecting a plug 

To select the correct plug a understanding of what different heat ranges mean is required .

Most types of plugs are self cleaning , this means the plug will run at a sufficient temperature to burn off any deposits and maintain the correct temperature for correct performance.

A performance, tuned or engine driven hard will run at a higher temperature than normal , this will require a plug that can dissipate more heat and operate at a higher temperature, this is known as a COLD PLUG . The down side of a cold plug is that if fitted and the car is not driven hard the plug will not reach sufficient temperature to burn off any build up of deposits and will become fouled.

If a engine has a high mileage and is worn , often plugs can become fouled with oil , a plug can be fitted that reaches optimum operation  at a low temperatures thus helping prevent the buildup of deposits ,this is known as a hot plug . 
The down side of a hot plug is that the tip can become very hot and cause pre-ignition . 

We offer our plugs in two types 

3 Ground : With 3 grounds this offers an extended life , and with the design of the ground wires , the ground will never shield the spark from the combustion front thus alway ensuring the best possible ignition . 

Iridium is a super hard material , it is so hard that in fact it is very difficult to find any use for it . But one use is the tip of a spark plug , this means the tip can be super fine , this allows the spark to be concentrated in a very small area thus concentrating the spark strength 


AC7C 3 Ground  Cold 
AC9C 3 Ground Standard  
AC12C 3 Ground Hot 

AIRC7C  Iridium Cold 
AIRC9C Iridium Standard